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 Halo: Deadly Encounter

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Albino Zombie Flying Grunt

Number of posts : 70
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-04-13

Halo: Deadly Encounter Empty
PostSubject: Halo: Deadly Encounter   Halo: Deadly Encounter Icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2007 3:14 pm

Seeing as everyone posted their stories, I will to.

PS-Every chapter switches between an Elite and a Human civi.

Versitus V
August 10, 2531

Verda Merdumee flinched as Human artillery exploded nearby.
“Too close” He thought
Being only a Minor Sangheili he knew he had no right to question orders, yet he couldn’t help it.
“We’ve been under this barrage for an hour now, why won’t the commander move our unit?” He wondered
Trying to get his mind off of the Human artillery, he looked up at the body-strewn hill his unit was trying to take. At the top was a Human position.

He watched as a Zealot led his own unit up the hill in a noble, albeit suicidal, charge.
The Humans promptly cut the Zealot and his squad down.
“Perfect, my first fight against the Humans and I’ll die before even reaching them”.
Merdumee then noticed two pairs of Lekgolo lumbering toward the hill.
“Our commander must have been waiting for them”
As if to answer this question, Merdumee’s commander walked to the front of the unit.
“Now that the Lekgolo have arrived, we are going to move up that hill and take it from the Humans” He announced.
The company-sized unit rushed forward, eager to away from the area that the Human artillery had been hitting.
Merdumee knew he had to keep far away from the Lekgolo, as they would be the Human’s main targets and he didn’t want to catch any stray projectiles.

As he was running he passed by corpses of the previous unit that tried to move up the hill, which convinced him to run faster.
Miraculously he made it close to the top, very close to the Human position. Just as he moved behind a fallen tree trunk, Human projectiles hit all around him.
“Where is the rest of the unit?” He wondered
He searched nearby and watched as a rocket hit a Lekgolo dead center, blowing it to pieces.
He then spotted several other Elites and a few Grunts crouching behind fallen tree trunks.
“No sign of the commander or any Lekgolo, none of them made it to the top”? He wondered
He activated his radio, and searched for his unit’s frequency on the BattleNet. He found it and tried to radio any surviving members.
“Can anyone hear me?” He said “How much of the unit made it up the hill?”

Eventually, an Elite responded to his call.
“Not sure if the commander made it, only about a dozen Sangheili left, a couple dozen grunts, and one Lekgolo pair” He replied.
As Merdumee was about to turn off the radio, another Sangheili came on, apparently a Major.
“I have called in air support, and we will attack when they arrive” He said.
“Perfect, we have to wait while under fire from the Humans” He thought
As he was waiting, he readied his weapon, a plasma rifle. Occasionally he popped up and took shots, but none hit.
Merdumee was relieved to hear the sounds of incoming Banshees. They performed a strafing run on the Human position, and the Major Sangheili gave the order to charge.
One Minor Sangheili moved to soon, and was cut to pieces by Human projectiles.

At the top of the hill, Merdumee spotted what was presumably the Human stronghold, where the shooting was coming from. He ducked behind a tree as a Human machine gunner strafed his position.
The banshees saw the source of this shooting and covered the area in plasma.
Merdumee made it to the building, as well as 6 Sangheili, a dozen Grunts, and one Lekgolo eager to avenge its partner’s death.
“Do we know how many Humans are inside” Merdumee asked
“Only one way to find out” a Major Sangheili replied.

A Grunt set a plasma charge on the door to base. The Lekgolo went in next. It easily slaughtered the Human fireteam guarding the door.
The unit moved throughout the stronghold, and encountered light resistance. Until Merdumee rounded a corner and ran into a Human platoon. He instinctively ducked back behind the corner and threw a plasma grenade. He managed to hold off until the rest of his unit arrived and cleared out the remaining Humans.
The unit had taken the hill. He had survived his first encounter with the Humans.
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Albino Zombie Flying Grunt

Number of posts : 70
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-04-13

Halo: Deadly Encounter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: Deadly Encounter   Halo: Deadly Encounter Icon_minitimeSat Apr 14, 2007 7:53 pm

Since most of you have already seen my story thus far, I'll keep posting.

Im starting to type the next chapter tonight, should have it finished and ready soon Arrow (not sure what that arrow thing means, but I like it Very Happy )

Chapter I
Versitus V
August 13, 2531

James hurried back to his apartment, eager to grab his things and leave the planet on one of the evac ships.
“It’s been like Hell ever since the aliens sent troops to the surface” He thought.
James had previously been in the navy, a pilot, but had been court-marshaled five years ago for not following orders. He had gone to this colony planet to find work.
He ran to his apartment building, and climbed the stairs 3 stories until he reached his floor. He got to his room, unlocked it, and hurriedly went inside.
On one of the walls was a rack with several weapons. James thought of them as ‘trophies’ from his past campaigns, mostly against rebels from which he had taken the weapons. They were too old to be useful anymore.
He also kept an M6D military issue pistol that he had ‘relieved’ from a rebel on his last assignment.
“I have to get out of here, the evac ship will be leaving soon”
He gathered up any valuables, and hid his pistol his jacket. He left the room in a sprint and ran as fast as he could to the dropships evacuating civilians in the city center.

“How is this happening? Every government official I’ve talked to has said that we were winning this battle” He wondered
James arrived into the city center and watched the flood of people fighting to get into ships. The few MPs that were watching the area were to overwhelmed to calm everyone.
James waited for almost 15 minutes, ready to get aboard a dropship. As he waited, he heard rumors that the aliens were closing in on the city.
“The we have to hurry-“ Just as James was thinking this he heard a high- pitched whining sound. He looked up and was horrified to see alien aircraft approaching.
James had only fought the aliens once while in the Navy, but knew that the aircraft approaching were called ‘Banshees’ and were incredibly dangerous. He hit the ground, laying face down.
He heard the sound of the alien’s strange plasma weapons, and then felt a large explosion. He looked up to see that the dropships were burning wrecks, and people were running in all directions.
“Without dropships, we’re stranded!” He cursed and got up to his feet.

After waiting 15 minutes for any sign of other dropships to pick them up, however when none arrived, he assumed there would be no rescue. James ran to his apartment building, and had just reached the building when he heard the Banshees again. This time, they strafed near him, and hit his apartment building. A small piece of building started to crack and a brick fell, right onto James’ head, knocking him unconscious.
When James awoke he found the city to be a mess.
“What happened?” He wondered, and slowly remembered how a piece of the building had fallen on him.
In the distance he heard guns and plasma weapons firing.
“The aliens must have attacked the city while I was unconscious” He assumed.
As he stood up, his head began to hurt. He slowly walked over to an alleyway and sat in the shadows. As he sat there, he tried to figure out what he would do to get off of the planet.
“I could wait” He thought, “Maybe there will be a rescue team”
After 5 minutes the sounds of fighting grew closer.
“Time to go” He told himself

James moved through the alley and was about to move around a corner when he heard a strange noise.
“What WAS that? He wondered.
He risked looking around the corner. He saw two short, stocky aliens. They had what looked like large air tanks on their backs. He remembered during his time in the military several ONI officers held a briefing on the alien races in this ‘collective’.
“I remember they called these things ‘Grunts’” He thought to himself.
He felt confident he could overwhelm them if he used his M6D. He pulled out the pistol and loaded it as quietly as he could.
He rounded the corner and shot the closet Grunt in its head. The second Grunt attempted to grab it’s own sidearm, but fumbled. James unloaded three rounds into it, and he was sure they were both dead.
“Theres got to be a way out of this alley” He thought.
James walked past the dead Grunts and proceeded twenty feet down the alley before finding a back door to a building.
He quickly moved to the front of the building. The building appeared to be a store, and the large glass panes in the front had been shattered. On the sidewalk in front of the store was a dead Marine.
James spotted the dead soldier, and moved toward him. He also saw the Marine's weapon, an M90 8-gauge shotgun.
“That could be useful” He said.

Just as he walked out through the store’s front door onto the sidewalk to retrieve the weapon, a large creature stepped into his path. It was as equally surprised as James, but reacted much faster.
The thing grabbed James and threw him. He landed next to the dead Marine, and looked up at what had thrown him. The creature was incredibly tall, way taller than any Human. It wore bright blue armor and had mandibles instead of jaws.
“These must be the ‘Elites’” He thought.
The creature reached to pull out it’s weapon, intending to execute James.
“Like hell you will” He said.
James quickly reached over the fallen Marine and grabbed the shotgun. He aimed it at the creature and fired several times.
Although the alien appeared to have a personal shield, it quickly overloaded from the sheer power of the shotgun at such close range. It fell over, purple blood spattering on the wall behind it
“I was lucky the gun was loaded” James thought.
He walked over to the corpse and nudged it with his foot to ensure it was dead.
“Man, these things are ugly” He told himself.
James was sure that other aliens heard all the noise, so he decided to go back into the alley. As he was moving through the store he noticed a radio and grabbed it.
“Could be useful, especially if the navy sends a rescue team”

James arrived back in the alley and continued on. He risked walking across several streets and into other alleyways. He decided to head toward the outskirts of the city.
As he was moving through another alley, it came to dead end. He backtracked 30 feet and came to an open door.
Inside was all one room, and mostly empty. James assumed it was a warehouse, and walked to the only door he saw. Just as he came up to the door and was about to walk out, he saw an Elite staring back at him from outside.
James stepped off to the side of the door, and slammed it shut. He heard plasma impacting on the other side but it was futile, the door was just to thick.
“No way your gonna burn through that any time soon” He announced
James ran out of the warehouse and back into the alley. He set off to find another way to the outskirts of the city.

PS-I know it's really short so far, but I will start to make the next chapters longer.
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Albino Zombie Flying Grunt

Number of posts : 70
Age : 34
Registration date : 2007-04-13

Halo: Deadly Encounter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: Deadly Encounter   Halo: Deadly Encounter Icon_minitimeFri Apr 20, 2007 10:19 pm

Well, I finally got time to finish this so I guess I'll post it now. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 2
Versitus V
August 13, 2531

Verda Merdumee knew what he had seen. A Human had been standing in the doorway, but it had escaped by shutting and locking the door. Although Merdumee fired several times, none hit the Human, and he could not burn through the door.
"I would have gone after it" He thought "But I have my orders"
Merdumee had received orders directly from the Field Master himself. He was given control of a squad of Unggoy and ordered to locate and capture an important Human general rumored to be on this planet.
Ossoonas had located the Human general in nearby sections of the city, but had lost track of him.
"And now we must risk our lives to take the Human alive" He said.
Merdumee set off, and ordered a Minor Unggoy to take point. As he walked, he reviewed the Intel again, using his portable electronic map system, which was constantly updated with information from the BattleNet.

"The Human general was last seen here," He said as he pointed to a spot on the map.
He spoke out loud, hoping the Unggoy were listening, as they were crucial to his mission as well.
As he was walking, he heard a voice come over the Comm.
"Verda Merdumee? This is Field Master Refunamee. We have more Intel about your target. The Ossoonas have re-located the target here" The Field Master said as a spot was highlighted on Merdumee’s map.
"Why can’t the Ossoonas capture the it?" Asked Merdumee
"There is a large group of Humans guarding him, but you should be able to handle it" Said Refunamee.
Merdumee urged his unit to move forward at a faster pace. The Unggoy complained, but that quickly subsided.

As they were moving along one particularly battle-wrecked avenue, they were ambushed by a Human sniper. The Minor Unggoy on point fell with the echo of a large-caliber weapon.
Merdumee and the remaining Unggoy quickly moved behind cars, dumpsters, any cover they could find.
"We need to take out that sniper before we can move on" Merdumee spoke over his unit’s Comm.
To find the sniper’s position, he risked peeking out from behind his cover. He saw a flash coming from a water tower nearly 100 meters from his unit’s position and instantly ducked back.
The round landed only 1 foot away from his head, hitting a car and setting off its alarm.

"There is no way we can run to that position in the open" He thought to himself.
Just as he was wondering what he was going to do, he heard nearby Banshees and decided to use them.
"Banshee patrol in Sector-IIV, we require assistance" Merdumee spoke into the Comm.
Merdumee waited for several seconds to receive a response. Finally, one of the pilots answered his call.
"What do you need?" The pilot said.
"We are pinned down by Human snipers firing from a nearby water tower, do you see it?" Merdumee asked.
"We have other orders but will provide a strafing run, that’s all we can do for you right now" The pilot said.
Merdumee activated his Comm and spoke to his unit.
"The Banshees will force the Human to keep his head down, while we move up to the tower" Merdumee said.
Merdumee knew the Human sniper was no fool, and would not sit in the open while being attacked by Banshees.
He guessed that the water tower was empty, and the Human would retreat into there, which would give his unit the time needed to reach the tower. The Banshees accelerated toward the tower.
"Now, Go!" He yelled to his unit over the Comm.

He and the Unggoy ran forward as fast as they could. The Human sniper had not fallen back into the tower yet, and managed to get a shot off.
A Major Unggoy running in the front of the unit squealed and fell to the ground, dead. The shot had hit it through the neck, shattering its spine.
Merdumee counted the meters as he ran, hoping the Human had been forced to move by now.
"80…..60….30…10…" He told himself.
He reached the tower, as well as the Unggoy. The unit didn’t have any explosives to attack to the base of the tower, and plasma grenades wouldn’t be strong enough.
Therefore, Merdumee knew he had to climb the tower and confront the Human himself.
"I will climb the tower and deal with the Human sniper" He told the Unggoy.
"You will remain here and establish a perimeter" He ordered the unit.
Merdumee began his climb up the ladder to the top of the tower.
"I hope the Human does not hear me climbing up" He thought "Or I am dead"

He reached the top of the tower, and slowly creeped around the outside. He then noticed the door leading to the inside of the tower it was open.
"So, the tower was empty then" He said quietly.
He peered inside, and saw the Human. Unfortunately it saw him as well, and was ready. Merdumee ducked back out of the open door.
The Human leveled its sniper and fired. The round pierced the wall of the water tower, right next to Merdumee.
He ducked and rolled back, and another round pierced the thin wall of the water tower and hit the metal railing on the outside of the tower where he had stood seconds before. Two more shots rang out, but missed Merdumee completely.
He heard the clip drop from the Human’s weapon.
"Now is my chance" He told himself.
He rushed into he door, knowing that the Human had expended its current clip of ammo.
The Human was smart though, and already had a pistol prepared. It fired twice at Merdumee, but the rounds deflected off of his personal energy shield.
He tackled the Human, and they hit the floor together. Merdumee hit the Human with his fists and feet. The Human kicked him off, but Merdumee grabbed his plasma pistol from his belt and leveled it at the Human.
At this time, the Human must have realized it could not win, and quickly grabbed a grenade from a pocket in its suit.
It pulled the pin, and Merdumee jumped up and out of the inside of the water tower. The Human slammed the grenade onto the floor, detonating it.

The inside of the tower exploded.
"Please, don’t let the tower collapse" He wished.
Merdumee sprinted to the ladder and knew he had gotten lucky that the tower had not collapsed instantly.
He arrived at the bottom several seconds later and rejoined his squad of Unggoy, then radioed his Field Commander.
"Where is the Human General now?" Merdumee asked.
His Commander responded "The Human is on the far side of town…here" A spot on Verda’s map was highlighted.
Before he turned of his Comm, the Commander spoke again.
"We have lost contact with several units in that are, so be careful" The Commander said.
Merdumee ordered his squad forward and began the long march to the far side of the city to locate the Human General.
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Prophet of Truth26
Albino Grunt Major
Prophet of Truth26

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Registration date : 2007-04-13

Halo: Deadly Encounter Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: Deadly Encounter   Halo: Deadly Encounter Icon_minitimeFri Apr 20, 2007 10:38 pm

wow pretty good Legionary awesome u should create a poll.... hehe
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