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 Halo RPG

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Number of posts : 195
Age : 31
Localisation : Sera
Registration date : 2007-04-12

Halo RPG Empty
PostSubject: Halo RPG   Halo RPG Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2007 7:25 pm

This is RPG as in video game, not story. I have this posted on a few other forums, so i might as well post it here. Tell me what you think:

Theme 1: The Rise of the Covenant
POV: The Player takes the Place of an Elite which he/she creates. The Type of Character is chosen. Given choices are: Soldier, which is skilled at fighting and tactics; Communicator, which is skilled at persuasion and can gain trust quicker than others; or Rogue, which is a skilled sneak, and does not choose any particular side in the game to join. The Player may either choose one of these Character Types, which come with a given set of attributes, or may choose his/her own attributes and will be automatically assigned with a character Type. Gain in Levels will raise the Character's Rank, giving said character different colors of armour. Eventually, when enough levels are gained, the Character will become a special Hero. Depending upon the Character Type which was chose at the Beginning of the game, the Character may become one of three different special Heroes: the Arbiter, which will be given to a Soldier; A Councilor, which is given to a communicator; or a Heretic Leader, which is given to a Rogue. Later in gameplay, the player will gain companions which he can play as also. The companions will include: A grunt, A jackal, A Brute, A Hunter, and a minor Prophet for morale. Eventually, alliances with humans will be created.
Halo RPG RPG1controller
Controls take a setup somewhat like the game Knights of the Old Republic. Action Queue's are no longer used, and instead Triggers are used to attack; As in the Halo games.
Plot Summary: The Game will begin on the Elite Homeworld. The character is running in war torn fields, fighting and killing many minor Prophets. It is the Age of Discovery. This level will be the Tutorial for the whole game, and will simply consist of carrying out various missions to defeat the Prophets. Then, as the next day dawns, the fighting stops. News spreads that a treaty is being signed. The Covenant is formed. Part Two will consist of Traveling the Elite Homeworld. As this happens, the Character will meet Prophets and learn of the Great journey. He believes it.(Part two may converge with Part one.)
Part Three will consisit of: Leaving the Sangheili home Planet; Discovering HIgh Charity; Gaining favor within the Covenant Community. Later on the Prophets will send the Character on missions. The more favor in the community which is gained, the greater the gameplay experience will be.
Parts 4 will include Grunt Rebellion. In this, the Character will fight alongside the Arbiter, at first, then will be separated from his companions and must fend for himself. He will find missions(which he will choose) and try to end the Grunt Rebellion. Eventually the Victory is because of him, yet the credit goes to the Arbiter.
Parts 5-9 Will consist of traveling to different planets of the Players choosing. These planets will be the Homeworlds of Various covenant Species, but the Player will not know which is which. Therefore, he/she will choose a random planet, and hope it is the one with, for example, the Hunters. These planets include(temporary): Goynall, Marromarr, Boknar, Deadakuss, and Drinonik. On these planets, the player will gain companions of every race besides the Drones. It will most likely be on these sections that the Character becomes a Special Hero.
Part 10 consists of the Human-Covenant War. This will inlude Harvest, Reach, Sigma Octanus IV, and many other planets. This will be the longest section of them all.
Part 11 is Halo 1. You will start out on the Pillar of Autumn. Killing Humans(yes, this will be rated M). There will be a slightly different take on the The events in Halo: The Flood. In which the Character boards the Command escape pod, but survives. He kills all aboard besides Keyes, and takes him hostage. The Character will then be on board the Truth and Reconciliation. He will kill humans, and see MC breafly before he leaves. Time lapse. The character will travel the Ring, and will eventually and inevitably come to the place where the level 343 Guilty Spark takes place. He will witness the attack of the Flood and will escape just in time. The Events of the Maw take place after a time lapse, and teh Character will have to find a way to escape Halo alive. He is the one that kills Foehammer in the Banshee. The Player will commandeer the Downed Pelican, and leave Halo.
[u]Part 12[/i] is Halo 2 from the Arbiters point of view. This section will be short, so as not to completely reshow all the events of Halo 2.
[u]Part 13[/i] will be the Attack upon earth. Possibly just a movie.

Interaction With other characters: Interaction with minor characters in the will be exactly as in KOTOR. the Player will have the choice of many different dialogues, or may even type in his own if necessary. Only select words and phrases will be accepted.
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